Sunday, August 24, 2008


I have always wanted to go to Boston for the 4th of July.  I had the opportunity to go this year and it was one of the most fun trips I have ever gone on.  I LOVE the 4th of July as did Becca who came with me.  We were very lucky to know such great people who lived there and made our trip wonderful.  It is nice to go with someone who has as little inhibitions as I do.  We wore headbands with flags and pin wheels on the plane on our way there.  On the 3rd of July we happened to find some 4th of July tiara's and earings.  We bought them and wore them the rest of that day and all day on the 4th of July.  It was so much fun.  Initially, the guys who offered to be our tour guides for the day were embarrassed to be with us.  After a few hours and several positive comments later, the guys started answering strangers questions as to where we purchased them.  They had become proud and realized it broke down some barriers and changed the dynamic of our day.  
The next day we couldn't rationalize wearing them, so we decided to go without which made us realize we liked being tourists who stood out more.  All in all, it was a wonderful trip and I would recommend Boston for the 4th of July to anyone.